Get an early warning if the location you are in is in the path of a tsunami wave. The Tsunami Early Warning app calculates tsunami wave propagation and sends you an SMS message if you are in danger. The message will include estimated time of contact with the wave, giving you a notice of the wave approaching.
Let the server know your location every time you change shores and have your phone around when on a beach to get an early warning.
No data roaming subscription is required for location updates.
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed over 230,000 people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Somali, Maldives, Seychelles and other countries. After the earthquake happened, tsunami victims could have had up to an hour to leave the shores, if they knew that the wave was approaching.
Install this app to get early warnings.
Make sure to install this app if you go to or live in one of the tsunami-prone areas such as Alaska, Thailand, Hawaii, Maldives, Mexico, Indonesia, Philippines, New Zealand, Australia etc.
Premium version users get alerts first. Access to the free version was limited to in some less tsunami-prone countries until we will get more servers.
Unlike some other services which just broadcast generic tsunami warnings, this one actually calculates wave propagation up to YOUR coordinates. It sends alerts ONLY if location you are in is on the way of a dangerous tsunami wave.
Again: You will not get an alert if your location is calculated to be safe.
If your local tsunami siren beeps and the app is silent, then it does not mean that the app is not working, it just means that no serious wave is expected at your particular location.
**** Please, consider installing the free version of the app first.